Hello there my friends! Sorry you haven't heard from me for a week. I've been very busy. Last week, I participated in the 100 Comments On My Blog Event that Tanya at
Blogelina hosted. Talk about work...whew, it was grueling! To get 100 comments on my post, I had to comment on 100 other posts. In reality, it was 136. Luckily we had 8 days to do it in.
All in all, I think everyone did their best. Some posts were extra work to get a comment on it, and some were quick and simple. Mine would have been the latter except for the fact that I accidentally gave a broken url. Even so, I did manage to get 42 comments of which I am very happy to get. Oh, and did I mention that I replied back on each of those!
First, I want to thank Tanya for hosting the event. Second, I want to say that as much work as it was, it was still awesome! I enjoyed reading the variety of posts that participated. I gained 4 followers and show tremendous traffic flow to my blog. What more could I ask!
So, here is this week's "purties", ladybugs on stepping stones.

Aren't they darling? They look like they're having happy thoughts. Now, how about that for personality!
Til next time, have fun!