Wednesday, December 31, 2014

An Amorous Life Review

An Amorous Life

By Ted Tate 

The author is a spinner of tales, and one of his subjects is love. In "An Amorous Life," he creates the character of Wes Pearce, and tells stories about his love life. In Edendale High, Wes loses his innocence; in graduate school, he enjoys a visiting co-ed on the university bookstore floor; in Rothenburg, Germany, he and Paula "know" each other in an inexpensive pension; and in retirement in Northampton, MA, he has now become quite the ladies' man. While in a tryst with an attractive mature widow, his heart peters out. At his memorial service, a flower child says, "I just thought he was a horny old man." 

This is the story of Wes Pearce and how he became known as a true gentleman. As he thinks back on his younger life, I couldn’t help but get nostalgic for that time period.

I noted that the author structured the story in a way that each encounter was without shame by either party. Of course, that was because Wes was uncharacteristic of the modern male way of thinking. That is what kept me from being offended. In fact, I was able to enjoy the story because every character was likeable the way the author gave insight into the personality of each of his lady friends, and his neighbor.

The story followed Wes throughout his lifetime, and the author does an excellent job of showing Wes’ true character, as he grows older. I can tell that Mr. Tate is a true storyteller, and has no problem conveying the true feelings of his characters.

My review can also be found at:

**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Instagram Cube Giveaway

Here is something you instagram lovers will want. This gives you instant stream delivery with built-in Wi-Fi and no batteries needed. I bet it would make a great gift for any techie.

***2 Winners***
ARV $150 ea.

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Old Factory Candle Review

FTC Disclosure: I received a set of Old Factory Candles in exchange for my honest review. This has no influence on my opinion whatsoever. All opinions are my own.

I had never heard of Old Factory Candles before, so I didn’t know what to expect. Old Factory Candles are high quality soy candles that are hand made in the USA. Sold by Red Rover Naturals through Amazon, you can find them readily available HERE.

The candles come three to a set, two ounces each. With selections like Coffee Shop, Romance, Spa Day, 50 Shades, New Born Baby, Vacation, and Happy Holidays, it’s hard to choose just one selection.

Being in the holiday spirit, I ordered the Happy Holidays Set that includes Christmas Tree, Candy Cane, and Gingerbread scents. 

And just look at this cool packaging! The slip that lists the scents can be used as a bookmark…BONUS!

I decided to place a candle at my computer to see how well the scent lingers. It’s in a corner so I was thinking the fragrance would surround me. I lit the Christmas Tree scent since I can’t see my real tree from there.

I was right. The smell of Christmas tree stayed with me the entire time I sat there. It wasn’t overpowering, just a smooth, continuous scent that lingered even after I blew the candle out. I also got the same results with the other two scents. But the Christmas Tree scent is my favorite. This is definitely a product that I would recommend. You can find them at

Here is what they have to say about their candles:
  • Made in the USA with natural soy wax and self-trimming cotton candle wicks. 
  • Each gift pack comes with 3 fragrance-themed candle.
  • Each candle burns clean for over 20 hours.
  • The subtle jar design makes it the perfect complement for any decor, and any room of the house.
  • Burn 1 candle in a smaller room, or combine 2 candles in a larger room for the best effect.
  • Every purchase is 100% guaranteed. 
If you would like to know what scents are best for sleep, relaxation, energy, increased focus, and more, Old Factory Candles has a free report that you can download here.

Now for the giveaway! Old Factory Candle was gracious enough to give away one set of candles to one lucky follower of I Create Purty Thangs. Chosen winner will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond. Enter below.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Princess Jahanara's Notebook Review

Princess Jahanara's Notebook

By Ali Kiper 

Our story begins during the time of the First Anglo Afghan war. The protagonist of our tale , William Marlowe, is an English adventurer working for the British Queen's Foreign Service. When the story begins, William is sent, in the spring of 1850, to Kabul to the palace of Dost Mohammed, the ruler of Afghanistan. His assignment is to prepare the groundwork for better relations between the British and the Afghan governments. During their initial meeting, the ruler is interrupted and forced to leave the talk with his entourage only to encounter an unruly tribal chief and his men outside the palace. William is left alone in the meeting room. As he tries to find his way out of the palace, he hears a gunshot. When he stumbles into a room, he finds an unconscious woman, a dead palace guard, and a richly decorated box containing antique items, a locked velvet covered jewelry box, as well as a small notebook. William quickly pockets this notebook.

Once translated, the cramped Persian writings reveal the owner of the notebook to be Princess Jahanara, daughter of Shah Jahan of the Great Moghul Empire, and they concern the mystery of a big beautiful diamond. 

Very much impressed with this information, William becomes determined to find out what happened to this elusive diamond. The chase takes him to the Middle East, Russia, and Istanbul in the Ottoman Empire. 

After 8 years, William returns to Bala Hissar as a negotiator for the British government, to improve relations with the current ruler. The negotiations were interrupted by a commotion outside involving local tribes. While waiting to resume the meeting, William starts exploring other rooms and inadvertently interrupts a burglary. Before being knocked out, he retrieves a book from a mysterious box, which also contains valuable stones. The book speaks of a rather large diamond that William believes is also in the box. Obsessed with finding the diamond, he follows its trail, seemingly always a step behind.

I like when a story takes historical events and adds a fictional tale to it. This was a very intriguing storyline involving mystery and travel combined. It was comical the way the diamond kept changing hands, and always seemed just out of reach. I was pulling for William to find it and disappear. I was holding my breath at the end, because I could see it coming, although it was a very fitting ending. 

My review can also be found at:

**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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About the Author
Ali M. Kiper

I had my undergraduate training in engineering in Istanbul. This city had started as Byzantium, became the capital of the Roman Empire under Constantine The Great and was called Constantinople. Later it became the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul. Historical richness of this city is unparalleled. 

I completed my graduate studies in the United States and starting 1962 taught mechanical engineering in different universities and retired from the George Washington University as an emeritus professor of engineering.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

DIGI Book Review


By Gary Sheerin

Peter Dempster is a non-entity at his high school, an afterthought, and a social outcast. He’s not athletic enough to run with the jocks or rich enough to hang with the high society crowd, and he’s not talented enough to…well, do anything with computers or science, so he’s not even a nerd. 

But when he’s struck by lightning one night while sitting at his computer, everything changes. He changes. And pretty soon, it’s clear that no one can ignore him anymore. 
This chance event knocks Peter out and knocks him into the realization that he can fold into his computer screen and into a digital world. In his digitized form, Peter interacts with the bits and bytes and other never before seen or heard or understood personalities that make up Cyberworld. 

It’s a dangerous world, both inside and out. But he’s not just a strange new visitor – he’s been expected. An unknown ‘they’ have been watching Peter’s every move. 
This place will transform Peter into something he would never have thought he could be or even aspire to be - a hero. 


Peter was the bottom student in his computer lab class. This was because he understood very little about computers. Terry, on the other hand, was a genius with computers, and loved to bully Peter. That is, until Peter was struck by lightning, and instantly could see and enter the inside of his computer. Then after Terry secretly releases a very destructive virus, it is up to Peter, with the help of his new digital friends inside his computer, to find the patch before it’s too late.

I was drawn into Peter’s family struggles, and how common they are, bullying, depression, joblessness, poverty. I enjoyed this story with all the likeable characters, except for Terry. The digital characters were given such fun personalities, and made the plot easily maneuverable. This was definitely a new and interesting way to portray computer programming.

My review can also be found at:
**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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About the Author
Having worked with Disney as the lead engineer for Disney Quest in Orlando, I understand how technology and stories inform each other. Being an architect for AT&T and focusing on network security, I created the characters by dissecting the different parts of a TCP/IP packet and giving each segment human (and relatable) qualities. My passions include writing, windsurfing, technology and getting schooled by my son on the xbox playing 'call of duty', 'nba2k' ....

Friday, December 26, 2014

Sign Up for $100 Paypal Cash Giveaway

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Blogger sign up is free, all you have to do is post an announcement before sign-up ends on 12/28, and report your live post here. Then post the giveaway once it goes live.  You will receive a free Twitter link in the giveaway! You can find the announcement info to post here

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ellens Submission Review

Ellen's Submission: Intrigue Next Door

By James and Lydia Keane

Ellen Jacobs is a straitlaced grad student stuck in a relationship that isn't working. 

When she meets her adventuresome neighbor, Sam, her world is changed. Now, she wonders how she will handle the challenge that comes from being drawn to Sam. 


Ellen and Brian have been together for four years. Just as she starts to have nagging doubts about their relationship, she witnesses her neighbor and his lady friend going at it on the balcony. She later meets him and is offered a job to proofread and edit his manuscripts. Little does she know how much this will change her life going forward.

It was interesting to watch Ellen evolve. Of course, I was turning the pages as fast as I could, because I wasn’t so sure everything was going to turn out for the good. The way the plot was structured, things could go in opposite directions. Of course, one way is what you want, but if it went the other way, things could turn out horribly. I think that’s the way the author wanted you to feel, the not knowing. It really had your imagination working overtime.  This reminded me of the book Nine Weeks, of which I had read many years ago. 

My review can also be found at:

**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Rise of the Dragon King Review

Rise of the Dragon King: Book Five of the Dragoneer Saga

By M.R.Mathias

In this episode of the Dragoneer Saga, the kingdom is beginning to find its roots as trade ships and men travel and barter with the Old World Clover mapped for them all. Banished King Richard finds an adventure of his own; One that might just lead to the end of the Dragoneers.

Clover and her infamous dragon Crimzon return to help our heroes fight an evil wizard from the Old World before he and his colossal monsters ravage the Mainland of what is now known as the New World.


King Richard has been banished for the last eight years, when visitors inform him of King Chad’s desire for him to marry one of his daughters. Richard jumps at the opportunity. He uses his new position to get close to King Chad, and gains another dragon on his quest to destroy the Dragoneers. Meanwhile, the Dragoneers have other problems with a powerful wizard poisoning the city’s water supply.

This was non-stop action from beginning to the end. I like that the dragons had such varied personalities and could voice their opinions. At times the battle would get so intense that I wasn’t sure the good guys would come out on top, or even survive. I love that about Mathias’ books. He makes you get caught up in the heat of the battle and you are so invested in the characters that you actually fear for them. It makes me sad that this was the ending to the saga, but I feel the author did give it a great ending. 

My review can also be found at:
**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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M. R. Mathias
M.R. Mathias rose from unknown to award-winning, best-selling author at a pace most authors can only dream about. He is a prolific writer of epic fantasy novels, novellas, and short stories. Despite his busy writing, publishing, and promotional schedule Mathias continues to aid his fellow indie authors by posting about their books at Twitter and Facebook etc.

He shared his considerable knowledge of self-promotion in publishing The First Ten Steps. The book has become an important indie guide for navigating the often murky waters of using social media sites to get your eBook in front of avid readers.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Absolute Truth: Grace of God Review

Absolute Truth: Grace of God

By Amrik Binapal 

 In this book, I have tried to open up the reader’s mind to some fundamental questions that perplex almost everyone in life at one time or another. If we truly believe in the truth that we are all parts of one common being, who then do we hate, fight, and kill, and what for? If God is one and truth is one, how can there be a multitude of religions? We justify keeping guns for our safety and security. Do we really believe in him as our savior? We talk of protection of life at the stage of conception but kill innocent animals just for fun or food. Where is the spirit of kindness and compassion? 

This is a short read of poems, about thoughts and ponderings of the author. He breaks it down into different sections, such as social, political, and religious. From reading it, I can tell that he is a very religious man. He leans heavily to speaking of God and man’s relationship with him. I highly enjoyed the more personal thoughts, as opposed to the general thoughts and conclusions.

Binapal makes you stop and really think about everyday beliefs that you have taken for granted and never really stopped to question. Although at the end of the read he had me questioning things also, I was still left with a peaceful attitude. 

My review can also be found at:

**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Holiday Bliss Book Tour

Holiday Bliss is book 2 in the Bliss series-- It comprises three romantic novellas by three different authors--set in different era's, in one home on the water called, Bliss.

Tending Her Heart by Kathleen Shoop 
Julie Peters' plans to modernize Waterside Hospital's labor and delivery protocols are thwarted by old school doctors and brown-nosing colleagues. But a handsome doctor who understands her point-of-view has a fine bedside manner and a way of Tending Her Heart that has forever-after attached to it. Can a Thanksgiving stay in the regal home called Bliss give her the space she needs to right her future and fall in love? 

The Christmas Miracle by Marcy Waldenville 
Brenan Brown has a terrible secret. One his beautiful wife doesn't know about. One that could destroy his happiness and his family. One he'd thought he buried along with his former identity in a grave in Ireland. But shady characters--terrorists really--from his past come to the stately mansion with blackmail and kidnapping on their minds. And with his family's after at risk, his future in peril, all Brenan can hope for is The Christmas Miracle. 

Holiday Wish by JD Wylde 
Vaughn Jennings has one rule he refuses to break. Not even for Chelsea Chathford, the curvaceous master carpenter he employs. With just reason. But with every day that goes by, it gets harder and harder to follow his rule. Can he follow his heart? Or forever wish he had? Because Christmas comes but once a year. And with it, the only chance to have his Holiday Wish come true.

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"Each story is vivid in historical and modern details and will certainly have you wanting to visit Bliss yourself. The characters come to life, making you fall in love with each and every couple, rooting for them to make it. I highly recommend this wonderful novel by five talented authors." 
- Kristine McCaffrey - Amazon Reader Review on Bliss Series Book 1

"Loved the book! It's my first anthology and I couldn't wait to get to the next story for the continuation. Can't wait to read these authors' next books." 
- review from Amazon on Bliss Series Book 1


The three stories bound together in this book have a couple of common underlying themes; Enduring love and forgiving yourself. Of course, all the events being during the holidays made them magical anyway. I liked the way the stories all took place in Harrington, North Carolina, at the historic home known as Bliss; and also that all were different eras. I felt nostalgic reading about the different families who lived there throughout the years.

Kudos to the three authors who were able to disguise that all the stories were by different authors.  That is a feat in itself. Now that I’m in the holiday spirit, I know I will have to go back and read the first book of the Bliss series.

My review can also be found at:

Meet the Authors
Kathleen Shoop

Bestselling author Kathleen Shoop holds a PhD in reading education and has more than 20 years of experience in the classroom.  

Kathleen has been featured in USA Today and the Writer’s Guide to 2013. Her work has appeared in The Tribune-Review, four Chicken Soup for the Soul books, and Pittsburgh Parent magazine. She lives in Oakmont, Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.

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Marcy Waldenville

Marcy Waldenville knew she wanted to write at an early age. A firm believer in anything-is-possible, she is happy to be following that dream. Born and raised in a small town in Western Pennsylvania. She lives in Southern Butler County with her husband, Ken.

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JD Wylde

A misplaced mountain child, J.D. lives in the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania with her husband of more than thiry years (and yes, she was a kindergarten bride). Their sons and one beautiful daughter-in-law live nearby. Ozzie, their neurotic dog lives a lot closer. And yes, she still roams wild and free, whatever mountains are currently in her path.

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.


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