Sunday, February 9, 2014

Boost Your Blog in 100 Days

This posting is for all you bloggers out there. Yea, you. Would you like some exposure for your blog? A few more followers? More traffic? Well, my new friend Thaleia from has come up with a brilliant idea to help out in this area. Here's what she has to say:

Who doesn't need a fun way to Boost Your Blog in 2014? I’m a social kinda gal who would love to get to know more bloggers and cheer each other along in the process. That’s where Boost Your Blog in 100 Days comes into play. This series will be conducted in 10 day challenges covering topics such as Twitter, SEO, Blog Post Topics, Pinterest, and getting more blog traffic.
Boost Your Blog in 100 Days
I need all sorts of bloggers that want to promote the “boost your blog” series. The initial 10 day challenge (begins February 15) will be to comment on 10 blogs for 10 days. I will be sharing 10 blogs each day for 10 days FROM THE LIST of bloggers who sign up to be promoted! In turn those 100 bloggers agree to promote the series via blog post OR twitter (tweets for each part of the series) OR Facebook share OR blog button. Are you interested in traffic coming to YOUR BLOG and leaving comments? Then sign-up to promote the Boost Your Blog Series and YOU will be on the 100 blogs list! Space is limited to 100 bloggers.
Once the series launches on February 15, then the fun really begins. We will work together over 100 days to improve our blogs and social media. We will learn from all sorts of experienced bloggers who are making blogging work! I’m super excited how about you.

Don’t just sit there: tell your friends, tweet about itshare on Facebookpin this post, add it to your  !


  1. Hi! I'm looking forward to this blogger challenge (because, let's face it, I can use all the help I can get!)

    1. So can I Emma. Looks like we're in the same boat.
