Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dog Gone Book Review

Dog Gone

By Diane Moat

Have you ever seen a report of a terrible animal abuse case and thought, “Someone should stop that person from ever being able to harm another animal.”? Then this novel is for you. 

Sam Holden is a young woman who comes across a dog after he has been tortured to death. This starts her down a path of learning about animal rescue. Along this path there are times where she must color outside the lines in order to stop an abuser from harming animals. In order to do this, she must enlist the help of some unexpected characters. This includes a mob family retiree, a housebound social media whiz, and a gorgeous “fence” for stolen goods. She needs the fence since she funds her illegal projects by thievery. Sam’s on again, off again boyfriend doesn’t know about her recreational projects. We join Sam as she balances her personal life, thievery and escalating quests to help animals in need. Throughout all of her competing jobs, she never loses sight of her search for the man who started it all by killing the dog she found by the side of the road. Our story culminates when Sam finds the man, with all points of her life intersecting in an amazing finish.  


 Sam had a soft spot for animals. So, after she happened upon a dead, badly abused dog, she took up the cause of making sure abusers were brought to justice, oftentimes by unlawful means. When the latest abuser that she finds and turns in is released with nothing more than a slap on the wrist, it is up to Sam to get proof that his abusing will continue. But can she do that without being caught?

I love animals too. So, it was hard to read the details of all the abuse. I liked the main character, and enjoyed the retribution she helped to deliver. Her playing the devil’s advocate was satisfying to me, even if she did cross the line in doing it. I further liked all of Sam’s friends and felt like they gave credibility to her character’s personality. This was a good topic to explore in a story, and I hope there are more adventures to come for Sam.

**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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