Saturday, February 14, 2015

America: Where Great Things Happen

America: Where Great Things Happen

By Donald L. Gilleland 

Every single day, wonderful things happen in our country, but you would never know it from the news coverage. The philosophy that seems to drive headlines is: "If it bleeds, it leads." 

We are blasted out of our chairs daily by television commentators announcing "breaking news," which is almost always negative. You won't find that in America: Where Great Things Happen. Instead, you will find uplifting and inspirational tales that bring a smile to your face and make you proud to be an American. 

In these days of instant social media and worldwide news coverage, we are bombarded with negative aspects of society. Why does this have to be? Where are all the good and uplifting stories and happenings? They get pushed aside to make room for the shock and macabre stories. In this book, the author is doing his part in reversing that. He has compiled many examples of uplifting stories and the people and organizations behind them.

I enjoyed reading about these people and their stories about what drove them to their accomplishments, and I was especially moved by the chapters on corporations and organizations. I had no idea of the good that these businesses are doing and putting back into society. I think it is a shame of the fact that the public is unaware, but even more so, that the media completely ignores all the good that is being done. All these stories were heartwarming to me, and left me with a give forward attitude, not that I didn't already have one. It just magnified it. Thank you Mr. Gilleland for pushing for the good to be told. 

My review can also be found at:

**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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