Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

You're Not Alone by Stacy Eaton Book Sale

You’re Not Alone ~ Romantic Suspense
Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Kobo     ITunes

Trinity Morris, co-founder of You’re Not Alone, has a domestic violence past that still haunts her ten years later. She is devoted to helping victims find freedom and to sharing information on how to help them through their emotional and violent trials. While Trinity is presenting at a seminar, she comes across Gavin, a police officer who knows her past all too well.

It’s been ten years since he last saw her, but the moment Gavin’s eyes land on her, he’s intent on getting to know the woman who has haunted his dreams all these years.

Can Gavin break through the wall that Trinity has built around herself, or will the present and the past collide and take her away from him again?

“It gives you hope” YOU’RE NOT ALONE, #RomanticSuspense by @StacySEaton on #SALE for 99c

“This is a fast-paced emotional book.” YOU’RE NOT ALONE, #RomanticSuspense by @StacySEaton on #SALE for 99c #Kindle

“An emotional, romantic, suspense story” YOU’RE NOT ALONE, #RomanticSuspense by @StacySEaton on #SALE for 99c #Kindle

“An emotional, inspiring story” YOU’RE NOT ALONE, #RomanticSuspense by @StacySEaton on #SALE for 99c #Kindle

“Strong, compelling characters” YOU’RE NOT ALONE, #RomanticSuspense by @StacySEaton on #SALE for 99c #Kindle

“Emotion of these characters fly off the pages” YOU’RE NOT ALONE, #RomanticSuspense @StacySEaton #SALE 99c #Kindle

Chapter 1 Excerpt from You're Not Alone

It wasn’t that I didn’t like to do these seminars, I did. I mean, who better to educate people on this topic than a person who had gone through it firsthand, right? If it weren’t so damned mentally exhausting to relive the memories, then standing up in front of the crowd wouldn’t be so bad—maybe.
I unscrewed the cap of my water bottle and put the bottle to my lips. The cool liquid slipped into my dry mouth, and I swished it around softly for a moment as I glanced around at the audience in the large auditorium.
About a hundred and fifty people sat in dark burgundy theater-style chairs, some bouncing slowly on the seat hinges, others leaning on the armrests holding their heads up with their fists as they tried to keep their eyes open and listen to the monotonous speaker on the main floor below them.
Most of the people in attendance were male, although sporadically interspersed through the group were women. A tingle of fear snaked down my spine. Many years ago, it was people similar to these from whom I had been hidden, or they had simply ignored the signs they had seen. No, I had been hidden.
I closed my eyes tightly and clenched my jaw. Not all of them had ignored the hidden knowledge, I said to myself as I screwed the lid back onto the clear plastic bottle and let it rest on my lap. The secret truth had been solidly hidden behind the well-groomed walls of the house in which we had lived. No one had known the awful truth, or if they had, they’d ignored it. It wasn't until the fateful night that anyone actually saw the product of the horror that I’d lived in every day for several years. Some didn't believe it even after they heard the facts and saw the many bruises on my body.
I blew out a slow steady stream of air. My attention was drawn back to the stage area of the auditorium. The male speaker was just finishing up his segment; the audience appeared to understand this as they began to fidget even more, as if to make a run for it at the first chance. They knew that when he was done droning on, they would get a break to eat the catered lunch that was provided before the afternoon segment began—my segment.
My phone vibrated in my suit jacket pocket, and I slipped my hand inside. The number on the screen was from my coworker at the shelter and I made my way to the door. I would take my call in the hallway so as not to disturb the end of the lecture.
I glanced over my shoulder at the speaker. Yeah, it was a lecture, and there was no wonder these guys were falling asleep. I would be too if I had to listen to this guy talk about the legal aspects of dealing with victims and prosecuting suspects with as much excitement as a bullfrog sitting on a rock in the rain. I pushed open the door and slipped out into the hallway as I tapped my screen to answer my phone.
“Hey, Brooke, what’s up?” With my phone to my ear, I walked down the corridor of the hotel’s corporate area. The dark red carpet under my feet cushioned my steps as I approached a glass balcony that overlooked the main entrance two floors down. Glass, chrome, and highly-polished dark wood sparkled below. A man sat in a chair reading a newspaper, his closed briefcase beside him.
“You’re not speaking yet are you?” she asked quickly.
“Would I answer the phone if I was?”
She laughed on the other end, “No, well, you never know, you might if you thought it was important enough.”
The doors down the hallway opened and the attendees starting converging on me. I stepped away from the balcony edge and into a corner so I was out of their way. I learned a very long time ago: Never step in the way of hungry men and their food, especially when the food was free.
“Actually, they’re just breaking for lunch. I’m up right after. Why I always get stuck with them after they are fed is beyond me. It’s so much harder to keep them awake once they have full stomachs.”
The men and woman staggered past, some alone, some walking in groups. More than one person mumbled about the speaker putting them to sleep. I smiled and turned my back to them, pushing the phone closer to my ear so I could hear Brooke’s reply over the loud movement of people.
“Trinity, we all know that they put you on in the afternoon because you keep them awake!” Her soft laugh flowed through the line, calming me. “Nothing like a beautiful woman with a sexy voice to keep them tuned in.”
I shook my head, “Yeah, that’s me alright.” Not, I thought to myself.
“Oh, let’s not go there again. You know you are a beautiful woman. Did you forget to look in the mirror this morning?” I heard a metal drawer being closed through the speaker of the phone; she must have taken her purse out so she could head to lunch.
I decided to ignore her statement. “Did you need something?” I was trying to get her attention back to why she had called and off of me.
“No, I didn’t need anything. I wanted to check on you.” Her voice grew softer, “I know how you get when you have to do these talks.”
She did know me well. Brooke Patterson and I had been friends for almost ten years, and it was to her that I turned when the demons reared their ugly heads and tormented me. Not only were we friends, but we were partners in business. Both of us had lived through years of intense circumstances and had come out alive. We spent all our time now trying to educate people so that they could help others who had lived like we once had.
Our nonprofit organization was called “You’re Not Alone”, and we worked with victims of domestic violence. We had started it about eight years ago, and it was the largest organization in the tri-state area.
It was because of what Brooke and I had lived through personally that we were able to do so well with the organization. We weren’t just people who had learned through college courses, we had lived through the horror firsthand.
“I’m fine, Brooke, I appreciate that, but I’m fine.” I turned back around as the hallway quieted. Only a few stragglers meandered towards the food.
I watched one man walk by, his cellphone in his left hand, the pointer finger from his right hand sliding over the screen. He had strong forearms that peeked out of the rolled-up sleeves of his dark green dress shirt. I glanced up at the side of his face as he passed and sucked in a sudden breath.
The curve of his jaw, the angle of his nose, the short cut of his brown hair, all brought back a memory so suddenly, that I froze while only my eyeballs traced his path to the stairs. My feet froze in place while my heart galloped like a horse from a burning barn.
“Trinity, are you alright?” Brooke’s voice reached my ears, but I couldn’t speak. “Trinity? Trinity, are you still there?”
The man disappeared down the stairs and still I found myself stuck in place, stuck in a memory.
Brooke’s shrill voice in my ear yelling my name finally broke me out of my startled daze, and I shook my head to clear it. It couldn’t be him, it couldn’t be.
“Yeah, I’m here,” I cleared my throat of the sudden emotion that had lodged there.
“What happened?” she all but yelled in my ear.
“Nothing,” I cleared my throat again, “nothing. I dropped the phone, sorry.” I closed my eyes, willing my heart to slow down again.
“Oh, okay. Well, you sure you’re alright to do this?” Her voice was back in its normal friendly range.
I swallowed, “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just another lecture, no big deal.”
“You keep telling yourself that.” She laughed and we said our goodbyes after I told her I would call her when I was done.
I hit the button to end the call and scanned the area. Other than some employees bustling into the lecture hall to clean it up, I was alone. No, not alone, I was just by myself for the moment. I thought about going down to where they were serving lunch, but I rejected it.
I was usually a bit uneasy before I spoke, and now my empty stomach seemed to be roiling after that memory had passed through my mind.
I glanced around the hallway, intent on finding a peaceful place where I could gather my thoughts. I saw the door down the hallway and quickly entered the women’s restroom.
Inside, I found exactly what I needed, and I sank into a deep burgundy chair in the sitting area. Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths.
On the back of my eyelids the memory flashed again, only this time it was with the pulsing flash of amber ambulance lights around me. The strong solid chin, the thin pointed nose, the soft green eyes set back behind thick eyelashes blinked with the lights of the emergency vehicle. He wasn't looking at me as my eyes opened, he had turned so I only saw his profile for a moment before it was replaced with other people and darkness sank in around me again.
I felt my pulse ticking quickly in my throat, the pain from that moment so long ago almost as alive as the memory. I lifted my hand and allowed my fingers to slide over my throat. I took a shaky breath to shove away the pain.
That was ten years ago and far away from here. There was no way that could be him.

Stacy worked in law enforcement for almost sixteen years, but recently retired to write full time. During her last three years on duty, she was assigned as the department investigator and enjoyed putting the pieces together to figure out the crime.

Stacy is also a business owner for an on-line retail store that caters to people wishing to show their awareness for their favorite causes.

Stacy resides in Southeastern, Pennsylvania with her husband, a law enforcement officer, and her teen daughter, who is half way to achieving her 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. She also has a grown son who is married and serves in the United States Navy.

Stacy loves music, photography and all things Disney. To date, she has published fourteen stories with many more to come as she settles into her new retirement.

Stacy can be found online: 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Yearnings: Rendezvous Book Review

Yearnings: Rendezvous

By Randy Lee White

This groundbreaking, thought provoking collection is sure to delight readers of all ages, on and off the net. Join two boys on their apple stealing expedition gone wrong, and experience a family’s visit to the zoo when things go a little ape. On a more serious note, witness tragedy and search for closure. Marvel at the simplicity of a child’s world versus the real one. Explore a unique cluster of snowflakes, and feel how they connect these works together.

MY HONEST REVIEW OF Yearnings Rendezvous

This is a montage of short stories seemingly unrelated, but some are actually about the same boy and his experiences growing up. I had to go back and re-read them to realize that fact. Even though the stories were about negative experiences, I enjoyed the memories of my own it evoked, of my friendships growing up. I really liked the imagination that was used in the story twists for The Three Little Pigs, and The Tortoise and the Hare. It’s always a fun read when authors do that. I only wished that all the stories were put together as one continuous one. It could have been better that way.


**The above opinions are 100% my own, whether I purchased the book or it was given to me to review.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Cricut Basics for iOS

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links. 

Cricut Basics App for iOS

The new Cricut Basics® for iOS is the easiest way for you to create on your iPad® or iPhone®. Simply choose you image and cut without having to go through multiple layers and personalization. This new app is fast, easy and accessible. 

The Cricut Basics® for iOS is designed to be used in three simple steps:
  1. Click - You first select the image you want to cut from the Cricut® Image Library. The images are added to your cutting queue.
  2. Cut - Connect via Bluetooth® to your Cricut Explore® machine, load your mat, and cut!
  3. Done - All that's left is to assemble your project!
It's that easy. Why not give it a try. You'll be glad you did.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

New Weekly Free and Bargain Books Linkup Week 1

Sharing the Love of Books
Enjoy our selection of New Releases / Free & Bargain Books this week

Authors please feel free to add your own books
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(any genre except erotica welcome)

This weekly link up is hosted by
Beck Valley Books 
& these awesome book loving blogs...

 Life as Leels
Book Babble
 All Romance Reader

It's My Side of Life
Celticlady's Reviews
First Time Mommy Adventures
Bound 2 Escape

Beck Valley Books
A Library of Reviews
Cinnamon Hollow Reviews

Miki's Hope
Taking Time for Mommy
Nicki's Nook

Ebook Addicts
I Love Romance
A Bit Bookish
Mother Distracted

Totally Addicted to Reading
3 Partners in Shopping
Angie's Angle
I Create Purty Thangs
Wishful Endings

Lynchburg Mama
Ali - The Dragon Slayer
Wondermom Wannabe
My Bizzy World
Deal Sharing Aunt

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For Free Books post - FREE / genre / title / author / end date 
For Bargain Books post - SALE / price / genre / title / author / end date
(Strictly no Erotica please.  Steamy romance is fine but watch those covers people, incase any underage child is viewing it!)

Here is this week's awesome selection!

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Claimed by Love Book Review and Giveaway

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Claimed by Love, Book #2 The Ryders

Family law attorney Gabriella Liakos has one true love, Elpitha Island, where she grew up and hopes someday to return. But Elpitha is in financial ruins, and Gabriella will do anything to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.

Duke Ryder is a savvy real estate investor set on making Elpitha into an exclusive resort. Unlike other investors, he's not scared of purchasing a property where one family has roots so deep they practically reach the ocean floor...until he meets his beautiful, stubborn, and enticing tour host―the daughter of the owner of most of the island.

Gabriella sets out to dissuade Duke from purchasing Elpitha, but Duke has other ideas. He wants Gabriella and the island. Duke's powerful seduction draws Gabriella in, but can a savvy investor who's used to glamour and glitz, and a woman interested in preserving the culture she adores find a happily ever after together?

*** THE RYDERS are the newest addition to the LOVE IN BLOOM series by New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Melissa Foster. This 5-book hot contemporary romance series features alpha male heroes and sexy, empowered women. They’re flawed, funny, passionate, and relatable to readers who enjoy new adult romance, contemporary romance, and women’s fiction. While each book may be read as a standalone, you might enjoy reading the entire Love in Bloom series (The Snow Sisters, The Bradens, The Remingtons, & Seaside Summers)

**CONTENT WARNING: Due to mature content, recommended for readers aged 18+**

Available to buy from ...

melissa newsletter

"You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that's fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won't want to stop reading. Every book's a winner!" ―New York Times Bestselling Author Brenda Novak

Also available
Seized by Love, Book #1 The Ryders

YOU FELL IN love with Blue Ryder and Lizzie Barber in Seaside Summers, now follow their journey to find true love in SEIZED BY LOVE, the first book in the Ryder series.

Lizzie Barber runs a successful flower shop by day and secretly hosts the Naked Baker webcast at night to help pay for her younger sister’s education. To keep friends and family from finding out about her sexy secret, she’s put her social life on hold until her sister’s education is paid off and she can stop filming the webcast.

Blue Ryder fell hard for Lizzie Barber when he met her a year ago, and he hasn’t been able to get her off his mind since. Everything about the feisty little brunette, from her tight bod to her seductive smile, cuts straight to his heart. Though Lizzie has turned down every invitation he’s extended—Blue is not about to give up trying. 

Renovating Lizzie’s kitchen brings Blue further into Lizzie’s life, and the oven is not the only thing heating up. One night and one powerful kiss changes everything. But when Lizzie’s secret is revealed and the safe bubble she’s hidden in shatters, true love may not be enough to put the pieces back together.

**CONTENT WARNING: Due to mature content, recommended for readers aged 18+**

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When Duke Ryder steps foot on the island of Elpitha, he never expected to meet the girl of his dreams. He was there as a potential investor with plans to commercialize the island. Gabriella grew up on the island and doesn’t want anything about it changed. Gabriella takes Duke on a tour of the island, in hopes that it will change his mind about the investing. Instead, it has the opposite effect, causing her to rethink her initial evaluation of him.

It can’t get any hotter than this couple. They were a perfect match. There were so many cool characters in this story. I like how much family is promoted and encouraged. That’s comforting. And I can’t wait until Jake and Addy get their story. 


About the author

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance, new adult romance (M/F, M/M, F/F), romantic suspense, thrillers, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa's emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented. Her books have been recommended by USA Today's book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café. When she's not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on Fostering Success. 

Melissa has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Her interests include her family, reading, writing, painting, friends, helping others see the positive side of life, and visiting Cape Cod.

Melissa is available to chat with book clubs and welcomes comments and emails from her readers. Visit Melissa at The World Literary Cafe or her personal website.Never miss a brand new release, special promotions or inside gossip again by simply signing up to receive your newsletter from Melissa.

Find Melissa on the following sites....
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Follow the Book Tour

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

Two lucky winners will each receive ebook Hearts at Play
Ending on Sunday 1st May at 11.59pm EST
Open Worldwide

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